Access code for 10 staff members

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Original price was: $230.00.Current price is: $138.00.

Make sure all your staff have the same knowledge and skill base. By enrolling multiple staff members on this training course, you ensure equal standards of care across staff members.

On completion of this purchase you will receive a code to your email. This code can be redeemed by your team when they register for the course.

This group purchase code is valid for 1 year from purchase date.


This is a comprehensive course that covers all the most common aspects of dysphagia care. In it we explain the normal swallow, the signs, symptoms and consequences of dysphagia, and the SLT/SLP role and recommendations. We examine the new IDDSI framework, including in-depth descriptions, visuals and testing methods for each of the different levels, with interactive learning to enhance the learning experience. Finally we work through additional sections such as medication and oral care. There is also an optional section discussing dysphagia care provision with adults with intellectual disability, for those working in this area.

This course is a must-have certificate for anybody working with people with dysphagia, especially in light of the global rollout of the IDDSI Framework. Now you can make sure your whole team have the skills, knowledge and confidence to provide safe dysphagia care.

It is ideal for

  • Nurses
  • Care staff
  • Health care attendants
  • Home carers
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Allied health professionals

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